In a normal social setting people control what they say over what they really want to say, and they control how they act over how they really want to act. When you have a successful social media platform these rules get bent. What does that mean? It means what might...
The Education of an Entrepreneur
One of the main differences between a business owner who has created for themselves a “job” and an entrepreneur who has created a “business” often can be traced to one thing – the entrepreneur never stops learning! Most start-up business owners don't know what...
Handling Conflict in the Work Place
Every team has some degree of conflict within it, and that is not always necessarily a bad thing, but a manager needs to be aware of the difference between conflict that is constructive and conflict that is destructive, and he or she must be capable of directly...
Workplace Tips to Work Better
This handful of workplace tips will make work better. Ask yourself, ”Why do you care?” - What annoys you about your nemesis at the office, and why do you even care? If you figure this out, you’ll gain insight about that person when you determine the reward they are...
Workplace Tips to Keep Life Happier
Whether you like it or not, showing up at work is a reality for most of us. After all, we all require money to live. How well work goes depends on many factors, some within your control, others not, but these tips will certainly make the workplace a nicer place to be....
Why Your Best Employees Quit
A recent Department of Labor statistic showed that the average American employee now changes jobs every 1.5 years. That constant turnover costs business owners valuable time and money. It takes time and money to interview, hire, and train new employees....
Great Marketing on a Small Budget
Many of my clients don’t have the money to do a large marketing campaign. So they simply do nothing and hope, or they rob Peter to pay Paul in order to do a radio, TV, or newspaper ad. They often forego paying their payroll taxes or vendors, hoping that...
What I Would Do Differently If I Started Over
I was asked recently, “What would you do differently if you were starting your business today?” It is a much harder question than you would think, because there is so much that I have learned about owning and operating a business that I did not know when I...
How to Be Financially Savvy
When possible, choose federal student loans rather than private loans - Federal loans have flexible repayment terms if your employment dreams don’t go exactly to plan once you graduate, and they generally have better interest rates. Be smarter about your loans and try...
It’s Never Too Early For Christmas Budgeting
While school may have just started (or is about to depending on where you live) and the holiday season seems an eternity way, it is really just around the corner. However, by starting some simple budgeting strategies for the holidays, you can help to better plan, stay...