The Education of an Entrepreneur

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Business learning One of the main differences between a business owner who has created for themselves a “job” and an entrepreneur who has created a “business” often can be traced to one thing – the entrepreneur never stops learning!

Most start-up business owners don't know what they don't know. Confusing I know so let me explain. Most new business owners don’t understand taxes, bookkeeping and the law so they hire CPA’s (like myself), lawyer and other professionals to handle these issues for them. But, they don’t even have a clue that they need to learn how to market, manage employees, handle growth, the importance of knowing and understanding the metrics of their business, the importance of systems, etc, etc, etc, ……….

So when a new business owner comes in to see me I try to help by recommending the following three books that I feel that every business owner should own, read and re-read.

First would be The EMyth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber. All wealth is a result of the creation of a system by the business owner. This book goes into the importance of systems in order for the business owner to succeed and grow while still keeping their sanity. I have used the chapter on the importance of an Organization Chart for every business to save a couple of marriages between husband/wife ownership teams.

Second would be Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson. The theory of guerrilla marketing is that your primary investment is not money (a scarce commodity in most small businesses) but, rather time, energy and imagination.

Finally, any book by Dan Kennedy. I guess I would start with his No B.S. Direct Marketing. He has so many key concepts it is very hard to pick just one. But, if forced to, I choose his statement that every business owner is in the business of getting and keeping customers!

These are my favorite three. Drop me a line and let me know if there is a business book that you think I should have put on the list.

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