It’s astonishing how many businesses generating significant revenue have little understanding of their actual profits. Some may only review their earnings at the end of the month, quarter, or even year. This approach is not sustainable if you want to maintain high...
Strategic Steps for Successfully Raising Your Prices
Raising prices can seem counterintuitive, especially in a struggling economy. However, as a business, your costs are always increasing. To maintain your profit margins and ensure sustainability, raising your prices may be necessary. Before making any changes,...
11 Reasons Why I Budget (a CPA’s Perspective)
If you hate budgeting, you’re in good company. Most business owners loathe this part of running their businesses. Heck, I’m a CPA and even I don’t like budgeting! At the same time, I recognize budgeting for what it is and the immense value it provides. It’s a vital...
Why You NEED Lines of Credit (Even If You’re Not Using Them Now)
Cash is one of the most difficult elements for any business to manage. Every business owner knows the importance of having cash on hand. At the same time, every business owner understands that the amount of cash coming in doesn’t always match the amount of cash going...
10 Places to Find Cash for Your Business
Is your business strapped for cash? Look, we’ve all been there at one point or another. Businesses go through seasons where money is tighter than usual for a variety of reasons. It might be due to a “down” month, poor cash flow, or a large unforeseen expense. Whatever...
12 Ways to FIX Your Business’s Cash Flow Problem
Do you have a cash flow problem? There’s a good chance you do! Studies show that more than half of businesses struggle with this very issue. During good times, it’s merely an annoyance. During bad times, however, it can put a huge burden on your business’s finances or...
How to Save MORE Money on Your 2024 Taxes in 5 Easy Steps
The 2024 tax season is in full swing. Are you ready? If you’re like most people, you fall into one of two camps. You’re either prepared weeks or months ahead of time, or you’re scrambling to get all of your files together days before the deadline. It should go without...
7 Signs of a Smart, Tax-Conscious Business Owner
Would you consider yourself a smart business owner? Smart business owners are in the business of not only making money but also saving money, and tax planning is one of the most effective ways to save money. In my 40-plus years as a professional tax planner, I’ve...
Why You MUST Focus on Lost Customers (and How to Reach Them!)
When it comes to increasing sales, there are all kinds of levers you can pull. Selling to your current customers is at the very top of that list. This is the easiest and most cost-effective way to boost your sales numbers, as you’re dealing with customers who already...
How to Make a Lasting Impression for Maximum Sales and Referrals
Do your customers remember you? This may sound like a silly question, but it’s an important one for you to ask. You might be thinking, well, of course they do! I did great work for them! And that may very well be true. Unfortunately, doing great work isn’t always...