A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way

I have met with different business owners and they always mention that they don’t know how to motivate their sales staff. They have trained their staff, but their staff just doesn’t seem motivated to go the extra mile. If you don’t have a structured commission plan...

Avoid My $5,000 Mistake!

During a recent phone conversation with a long-time business friend I discovered a mistake I made that cost me $5,000 in sales last year.  To be honest—my mistake most likely cost me more like $35k since my average new client stays with us an average of seven...

Controlling What You Say

Just recently I’ve come to the realization that most businesses don’t create their own marketing material or copy. They rely on ad agencies or the media production department to create their ads. In my opinion, that is a big mistake. Don’t get me wrong; you can let...

Marketing the 5 Ps

Marketers try to simplify marketing down to the 4 Ps. In case you didn’t know the 4 Ps, they are Price, Place, Product, and Promotion.  Every business owner has or should have all of these things when in business: A product to sell at a certain price A place...

What Is Good Marketing?

The other day someone asked me, “What is good marketing?”  I thought that was a really good question, and it can be answered in many different ways. Many people may say good marketing is anything that gets people in the doors. That’s true to some extent, but...