What Is Good Marketing?

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What is good marketing picThe other day someone asked me, “What is good marketing?”  I thought that was a really good question, and it can be answered in many different ways.

Many people may say good marketing is anything that gets people in the doors. That’s true to some extent, but there is more to just getting people to your door; it’s also getting them to buy. Getting them to buy is the hardest part of marketing.

In my opinion, that’s just one of the elements of good marketing.

I think good marketing starts with a plan. The plan should at least consist of:

  • a list of all of your products and services
  • a list of possible add-on and cross-selling products
  • a description of each with a summary of what type of customer will need them
  • what makes your business different
  • how will you get your uniqueness across
  • a thought-out and realistic budget
  • a target market  
  • a description of how you plan on getting their attention
  • a filled-out promotions calendar  
  • a training calendar
  • a plan of attack

Once your plan is done, good marketing has to start. A plan is nothing if it’s not implemented!

And the last part to good marketing is keeping it going. Don’t get sidetracked. Marketing isn’t something that happens overnight; it will take time.

I hope this gives you a good starting point for creating your own good marketing.