by | Sep 2, 2015 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Current Affairs, Sales & Marketing, Small Business Owners, Small Business Success Series, Social Media Marketing
If you are billing by the hour—stop! Your customers hate it and it doesn’t reward you appropriately. It also often stops you from upselling additional services. And let’s face it—you and your employees both hate tracking your time. Your customers really...
by | Sep 24, 2013 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Cost Cutting, QuickBooks
If there are a lot of deleted transactions it could mean that your bookkeeper is making a ton of mistakes or it could be that they are trying to hide something. Neither one of these explanations is good news for the owner. So how can you check...
by | Aug 8, 2013 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Cash Flow, QuickBooks, Small Business Owners, Small Business Success Series
Here are two of my favorite QuickBooks blogs: QuickBooks and Your Business ( This blog has been providing QuickBooks help and guidance since 2010. The articles are easy to read with great information. Recent blog...
by | Jul 26, 2013 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Current Affairs, Income Taxes, Small Business Owners, Web/Tech
FREE TAX WEBINARS! When you signed your 2012 tax return, were you asking yourself, “Am I paying the least amount...
by | Jul 15, 2013 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Success Series, Cash Flow, QuickBooks, Small Business Owners
While I was the CFO at Magnolia Coca-Cola, we changed our policies to give every new restaurant and bar credit terms—no questions asked. But we controlled our losses by setting a small credit limit that forced them to pay our bill in order to get the second or...