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ISB-Strategies-Logo                        FREE TAX WEBINARS!

When you signed your 2012 tax return, were you asking yourself, “Am I paying the least amount of taxes possible?”

                      Slash your taxes and stop the wondering!

3 Steps to Slash Your Taxes

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  • Why your tax preparer is not helping you cut your taxes now.
  • The 3 steps to slash your 2013 taxes!
  • The 6 easy steps that every business owner must take in order to slash their taxes by 30 to 50% every year!
  • The 5 new major ObamaCare Taxes for 2013 and how to minimize their bite.
  • Business tax breaks in the 2012 Taxpayer Relief Act passed in January 2013.
  • Individual tax breaks in the 2012 Taxpayer Relief Act passed in January 2013.
  • 18 commonly overlooked tax deductions that result in thousands of dollars in overpaid taxes every year.

Business Tax Slashing!

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  • How choosing the wrong business entity can increase your taxes by thousands of dollars every year!  (This one tip saved one of my clients over $45,000 this year alone!!!)
  • How hiring family members can save you thousands of dollars!  Also, how to do so and pass IRS scrutiny.
  • Understanding your retirement plan options and how they can save you thousands.
  • How a cost segregation study can save you a bundle when you buy a building for your business. 

Slash Your Personal Taxes NOW!

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  • How to maximize tax savings when you or your dependents attend college.
  • Why your 401k is one of the best tax-saving tools available for wage earners.
  • How the art of “bunching” your itemized deductions results in big tax savings.
  • Understanding the IRS rules for donations in order to maximize your tax deduction.

Real Estate Investors: Cut Your Taxes NOW!

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  • The secret to maximizing your depreciation deductions.
  • Taking advantage of the tax credits that are available to real estate investors.
  • Using 1031 exchanges to delay taxation on gains almost forever!
  • Why selling real estate should be your last option.