by | Jun 23, 2016 | Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Small Business Owners, Small Business Success Series
Thirteen years ago my firm had outgrown my office and we needed to move. The office next door became available, and I jumped at the opportunity to rent it. I thought that moving right next door would make it easier to move and easy for my customers to...
by | Jun 22, 2016 | Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Sales & Marketing, Small Business Owners, Small Business Success Series, Social Media Marketing, Web/Tech
Social media, the Internet, and mobile devices are revolutionizing marketing. Big companies are jumping into these avenues with a huge investment in advertising dollars and employees. This can intimidate the small business owner and make them ignore the...
by | Jun 21, 2016 | Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Cost Cutting, Current Affairs, Small Business Owners, Web/Tech
How many times have you been involved in a project where a newly-released piece of software required an immediate enhancement because the right people were not “in the loop”? This is an example of how poor communication costs money and damages the reputation of...
by | Jun 20, 2016 | Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Sales & Marketing, Small Business Owners
To improve your profitability you must either make a larger gross margin on each dollar of sales or sell more without increasing your fixed costs. It goes without saying that the greatest improvement will be realized when you achieve both simultaneously. ...
by | Jun 16, 2016 | Business Success Series, Current Affairs, Small Business Owners
When I started my business back in 1991, my office for the first three years was based in my home. A recent study shows that this is very common ( The study found that 69 percent of...
by | Jun 15, 2016 | Business Profit & Cash Flow Tips, Business Success Series, Small Business Owners, Small Business Success Series
Two of the biggest problems that employers have with managing employees are 1) reviewing employees’ work and coaching them toward performing at the desired level, and 2) keeping track of what you have delegated to them and having them work on what needs to be worked...