If you’re like many entrepreneurs and small business owners you probably try to manage most tasks yourself. Sure, maybe you outsource the big jobs like copywriting or graphic design, but you handle all of the “management” tasks. In many cases, that’s just fine....
Cheaper is Not Always Better
Let me share a story... I work for a large insurance firm in the northwest, in an office with over 500 other employees. Management recently decided to replace our existing phone system as the old system was no longer meeting our needs. I and my...
Saving Money Isn’t as Impossible As it Seems
Who hasn’t had more month left at the end of the money? It’s no wonder really: groceries on Monday, bills on Tuesday, gas for the cars on Wednesday and by the end of the week your paycheck is gone. However, if you establish a savings plan, you’ll “find” money in...
What Does Your Organizational Culture Say About Your Business?
Despite its importance in terms of attracting or repelling customers and clients, potential investors, and the hottest new talent, all too often organizations think little about their culture and what it says about their business. In many cases, organizational...
De-Clutter Your Life and Keep Things Simple
Time is one of the most precious commodities in our lives, if not the most precious of all, and it is one of the few things that we can never get back. Today’s lifestyles, however, are so filled with responsibilities and with clutter that we are just left...
Forming A Partnership With Your Accountant
Forming a working relationship with your accountant, either as a business owner or as an individual who wants to take control of your financial future, is perhaps one of the most important partnerships you can build. Unfortunately, a lot of people fail to do this and...
Helpful Ideas For Your Income Tax Return
Every year a large percentage of people get tax returns. Some get a lot and some just get a little, but what you choose to do with your return may have a big impact over time. Different individuals have different plans for the return, including going on a shopping...
5 Expenses Most Home Businesses Fail To Claim
If you have a home business or a home office, it can be difficult to know just what you can claim as a business expense and what you can’t. There are some common expenses that self-employed people working from home often miss claiming because they aren’t aware of the...
Learn more about job candidates with a tour of your workplace
You may learn about a job candidate during an interview, but you’ll get a lot more insight by getting out of your office and taking finalists on a tour of your workplace. The candidate will see what your culture is like, and you’ll have a chance to observe how he or...
Why You Need to Invest in Employee Development
We hear a lot about employee development and yet still there are only a small percentage of employers that take the time to invest in employee development. Perhaps this is because it is greatly misunderstood. Let’s look at this issue a little deeper. Many employers...