by | Jan 15, 2013 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Current Affairs
We want to thank for choosing us as one of the top 25 blogs of 2012! We try our hardest to provide useful and consistent information to our audience. Our goal is to give small business owners the knowledge to create the business...
by | Dec 11, 2012 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Success Series, Current Affairs, Income Taxes, Tax Tip of The Week
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by | Nov 16, 2012 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Business Success Series, Current Affairs, Income Taxes, Tax Tip of The Week
Now that the election is over, Congress is finally concentrating on the “fiscal cliff” and its “Taxmageddon” element. If they do nothing, a massive tax increase will hit every taxpayer and worker. It is doubtful that Congress will allow so many Americans...
by | Sep 29, 2012 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, QuickBooks
Set Up Users With Limited Permissions and Access Every day my staff and I fix client QuickBooks files that are filled with errors. Many of these are caused by the owner allowing their untrained employees access to all areas of QuickBooks. This can...
by | Aug 16, 2012 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, Income Taxes, Tax Tip of The Week
A reminder to employees about taking business expenses on Schedule A: Any expenses that an employer would have reimbursed are not deductible according to the Tax Court (Stidham, TC Summ. Op. 2012-61). In that case, a taxpayer listed business expenses such as overnight...
by | Jul 24, 2012 | Accounting & Bookkeeping, QuickBooks, Small Business Owners, Web/Tech
In my blog dated July 09, 2012 (, I answered a client question which asked if they could keep two sets of books—one set for tax returns, and one for management use only. My answer was of course. This led to a question about how to do this...