“I Hit the Jackpot!” Is that Taxable?

In this video I will discuss how to reduce the taxes on your gambling winnings. Yup! That right. When you go to the casino and actually win big, you will be taxed on it. Normally when you win a big jackpot, the casino will ask you for information such as your name,...

Be Sure Your Marketing is Working

Advertising can have a life of its own if there are not proper systems in place to control it. By neglecting your advertising you can get undesired results. Your goal when managing your advertising is to assure that you are in control of what you are sending out as a...

How Will This Year Be Better Than Last Year?

Results don’t come from wishes, hopes, and resolutions. That is why 90% of New Year’s resolutions are dropped before the end of January. Every gym owner can tell you that most of their new members will be gone by February. This is true in business, too. What are you...

Creating Your 2020 Profit Plan

I am always telling my business owners that they need to have a profit plan. I have seen many different profit plans including a few that were drawn up on the back of a cocktail napkin. Of course, if you want to achieve massive profits you will need a more organized...