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Eliminate Repeat Errors With Hot Tickets

Most problems occur repeatedly for a reason. Using hot tickets helps you quickly resolve problems. You will soon discover that they also help you track problems. Once you identify recurrent problems, you can start looking for causes and finding solutions. Watch to...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Increase Prices

One of the fastest ways to increase your bottom line is to raise your prices. But when I mention this to my coaching clients their first reaction is to say it's impossible because they will lose customers. In this video I discuss why the fear of losing customers...

Why Discounting Your Price is the Wrong Choice

When your sales drop or a big time competitor threatens your business your gut reaction is to discount your price to increase sales. In this video I discuss why only discounting is often the wrong choice and what you must do if you must discount your price. Before you...

Videos Increase Sales

In this video I discuss how videos greatly increase sales. The facts used in this video are from a video by Drew Davis  Before you do anything else, why not join The Profit Maximizer Club on FaceBook. This community is designed to help each other grow their...

4 Reasons You Should Outsource Payroll Preparation

I always recommend outsourcing payroll. Yes, it will cost you about $50 to $150 per payroll (depending on how many employees you have), but this might be some of the smartest money you spend. In this video I reveal the four big reasons, and one important bonus reason,...

Only Run Advertising You Can Measure

Most business owners are like P.T. Barnum who famously said, "I wast half my advertising dollars, the only problem is I don't know which half?" In this video you will learn how to finally know which advertising is working for you. Before you do anything...

Why You Can’t Avoid Online Marketing

I, like most business owners, understood long ago that I would have to embrace the Internet if I wanted to increase sales and survive a changing economic landscape. With everybody and their uncle writing and talking about it, how could we not be convinced that we...

3 Steps Guaranteed to Slash Your 2019 Taxes

In this video you will learn how to be guaranteed to pay the lowest amount of tax allowed by law and why your tax pro most likely not paying the lowest amount possible. Before you do anything else, why not join The Profit Maximizer Club on FaceBook. This community is...

Be Sure Your Advertising is Working for You

Advertising can have a life of its own if there are not proper systems in place to control it. By neglecting your advertising you can get undesired results. Your goal when managing youradvertising is to assure that you are in control of what you are sending out as a...

The Secret to a Successful Marketing Campaign

As Dan Kennedy says: The number one thing successful companies do is that they implement their ideas! To implement means to put a decision, plan, strategy, etc. into effect. That means there is action tied to a strategic purpose, and there is something done. Not being...