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Is Your Business Thriving or Just Surviving?

  A trend I noticed a few years back seems to be gathering steam.  My business clients seem to be doing either exceedingly well or just barely surviving.  Those in the middle appear to only be there while they are either growing rapidly or continuing...

How Do I Pay Less Taxes?

Reducing your income tax expenses is a key component of profit maximizing.  Remember your bottom line is your profit after income taxes. Unfortunately, very few business owners do anything to reduce their income tax bill.  Most business owners assume that...

My Favorite Time Management Tips

The most valuable resource in any business is the business owner’s time.  It is the one thing you cannot buy more of.  That is why there are so many time management books (typing “time management” in returned 125,733 results). Here are the ones...

Legally Writing Off Bad Debts

Offering credit terms increases sales, but this inevitably leads to some clients who don’t pay their bill. This is especially true in this economy. Be sure to write off any bad business debts you can’t recover. To qualify for any deduction, the business bad debt must...