Will the ObamaCare Penalty Affect My 2014 Tax Return? Part II

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What qualifies as Minimum Essential Coverage?


In order to avoid the tax penalty, each person in your family must have "minimum essential coverage”.  A person will be considered to have minimum essential coverage for any month they are legally enrolled in one of the following types of coverage for at least one day:

  • An employer group health plan
  • An individual health insurance policy
  • A government plan such as Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), TRICARE, or veterans coverage
  • Student health coverage
  • Medicare Advantage plan
  • State high risk pool coverage
  • Coverage for non-U.S. citizens provided by another country
  • Refugee medical assistance provided by the Administration for Children and Families
  • Coverage for AmeriCorp volunteers

All the plans listed above will qualify as having minimum essential coverage and thus will allow you to avoid the tax penalty.