What Would You Tell a Family With This Household Budget?

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How would you counsel a family with the following household budget?


You would probably tell them that they are close to bankruptcy. You would also probably tell them that they have to cut spending. Not just by the pretend amount of recent cuts they have made, but with really deep, meaningful cuts!        

Well, this is every family’s share of the national budget and the national debt! (from a recent John Stossel Show)

So what will you be telling the politicians in this November’s election about our country's budget situation? Should they continue with more of the same and bankrupt the country, or rein in our out-of-control spending now?

Better choose wisely! Your family’s future financial well-being depends upon you making the right choice now!

(Start by educating yourself with a past blog – The Federal Deficit Is Increasing by $237,823 per Minute! What Does That Mean to the Small Business Owner? (Link http://bit.ly/yRgdYs )