What the stars reveal about your income

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The-pleiades-star-cluster-11637_1920You may place no importance on your birth order or the alignment of the stars and planets. But a CareerBuilder.com survey of more than 8,700 workers provides some food for thought.

The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, found that first-born children are more likely than their siblings to earn $100,000 or more per year. Last-born children are least likely to earn six figures. Other career tidbits regarding birth order:

First-born children—more likely to be drawn to the professions of government, engineering, pharmacy, and science; more likely to hold senior management positions or be vice presidents

Middle children—more likely to work in nursing, law enforcement, firefighting, and machine operation; more likely to identify with professional/technical staff level positions

Last-born children—more likely to become artists/designers, salespeople, and information technologists; more likely to hold administrative or clerical positions

When it comes to how the stars affect the wallet, the study found that the astrological signs of Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, and Cancer were more likely to be paid $100,000 or more annually; Aquarius and Capricorn signs were among those most likely to earn $35,000 or less.

Below are the fields we’re drawn to based on astrological signs:

Aquarius—sales, military, engineering, mechanic, food preparation, facilities management, transportation
Pisces—social work, personal care, IT, facilities management, mechanic

Aries—government, construction, hotel/recreation, IT, education, transportation

Taurus—nursing, engineering, attorney/judge, marketing/public relations, higher education

Gemini—art/design/architecture, nursing and personal care, sales, law enforcement, firefighting, machine operation

Cancer—government, legal services, advertising, higher education, machine operation, transportation, military

Leo—government, legal services, art/design/architecture, engineering, entertainment, real estate, education

Virgo—social work, sales, hotel/recreation, editing/writing, food preparation

Libra—social work, government, advertising, machine operation, law enforcement, firefighting, sales, education

Scorpio—legal services, engineering, science, education, construction, skilled trades

Sagittarius—editing/writing, marketing/public relations, entertainment, hotel/recreation, IT, military

Capricorn—art/design/architecture, nursing, science, IT, sales, farming, food preparation