Use a “Magic Wand” to Increase Sales

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Magic-1081149_1280One of the biggest mistakes sales professionals make is starting their sales pitch before they know what their prospects want, need, and desire.  If you don’t know in advance what problem your prospect is trying to solve and why they are buying, your odds of closing the sale are greatly reduced.

Dave Dee, author of the Psychic Sales course, explains the use of the “Magic Wand” question best. You simply ask your prospect the following question:

“If you could wave a magic wand and _____________, what would that look like?”

He provides the following examples:

Example 1:  “If you could wave a magic wand and have the perfect retirement, what would that look like?”

Example 2:  “If you could wave a magic wand and have the perfect business, what would that look like?”

The question is designed to get the prospect to visualize exactly what they want.  The answer should give you great insight into the problem that needs solving, allowing you to offer the best solution available.  Without this information, making the sale is almost impossible.