The Traits I Look For in My Managers

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Man-871960_1920“What should I look for in a manager?” is one of the most common questions I receive from business owners.

Obviously they should be very good at doing the same job as the employees they manage.  At the very least, they should have a very good working knowledge of what the job entails.

But what else should you look for in the person you hire or promote?

Your manager’s success or failure will depend more on their attitude than anything else.  Attitude informs action.  Attitude informs behavior.  Attitude is the driving force behind every success they will have.

Here are the things I look for in a manager:

  • They are optimistic.
  • They allow their team members to look good by giving them the tools and support needed to succeed.
  • They get things done.  They do not suffer from paralysis of analysis.
  • They think about long-term success.
  • They volunteer for the tough jobs; they don’t wait to be drafted.
  • They can adapt to changing circumstances.
  • They are lifetime learners.
  • They are teachers, mentors, and coaches.  They don’t try to catch people making mistakes.  They try to catch people doing well.
  • They don’t hide in their offices.  They are proponents of “management by walking around”.
  • Finally, and most importantly, they buy into and support the company’s mission.