The Importance of Customer Audits

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Hand-851207_1920Business owners often use outside accountants to audit their books to make sure they are recording business transactions correctly.

Business owners should "audit" their customers to determine if they are happy with the company and plan to buy from the company in the future.  You should consider hiring an outside firm to do this for you.  Your customer is much more likely to be honest with an outside firm, and it helps impress upon them that you are serious about providing quality service.

Customer audits should be short and focus only on the most significant issues the business has.  Here are 10 questions the company should consider asking.

  1. What is your overall impression of this company?
  2. How often do you speak to a company representative?
  3. How would you rate the quality of the product or service provided?
  4. How does this company compared to other vendors in terms of quality of service?
  5. Do you feel this company goes out of its way to keep your business, or does it do just enough to fulfill your needs?
  6. What is the number one reason you chose to purchase from this company?
  7. What else would you like to see the company provide?
  8. What one thing do you think should be improved?
  9. What will be your greatest challenge over the next year?
  10. Would you serve as a reference for this company?