Tax Returns – Submit on Time, Save on Fines

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Hourglass-620397_1920It is not just individuals and households that have been feeling the pinch as of late – governments everywhere have too. In their efforts to deal with unprecedented budget deficits, they have recently done everything from closing tax loopholes to encouraging tax evaders to come forward as part of an amnesty. And of course, charging sometimes-hefty fines and surcharges to individuals and businesses alike is a guaranteed way to rake in more cash.

Government fines and surcharges for the late submission of various tax returns and the late payment of taxes have become ever more stringent, but often they are an unnecessary drain on the resources of taxpayers. A simple reminder in a diary or planner or on a computer or cell phone is all it takes to ensure that you don’t miss a deadline and end up paying the consequences.

If cash flow is a problem and you are unable to make the necessary payment, don’t let this stop you from submitting the tax return anyway, as failing to do so could see you having to fork out for both a late submission fine and a late payment surcharge. Instead, contact the authorities as soon as you become aware of the problem and find out whether you can agree on a time-to-pay arrangement.

Nobody likes having to pay taxes, so be sure to keep on top of things to avoid handing over more than you absolutely have to!