Taking the Stress out of Performance Reviews

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Listen-1702648_1920Most managers dread that time of year when performance reviews come around, and especially when they have a number of them to carry out.  These annual reviews not only have the potential to raise future levels of performance, but also to improve the relationship between manager and worker.  They are well worth the investment in terms of time and effort.  Here are just a few tips to help new managers get through their next round of performance reviews. 

  1. Even though annual reviews take place only once a year, it should evaluate the staff member’s performance throughout the whole of the 12-month period. Be sure to document any significant achievements, strengths or weaknesses, when they occur or are identified; otherwise, you risk focusing solely on recent history and are likely to miss the opportunity to address areas for improvement.
  2. Fully understanding the criteria by which you are evaluating staff performance is key to avoiding confusion and stress, and there are only two things that you should be taking into account – the objectives as set out in the individual’s role description, and the goals that were set for the year.
  3. When it comes to arranging performance review meetings, don’t feel tempted to get them all out of the way at once by scheduling appointments back-to-back. Arranging only one each day will ensure that your stress levels stay low and that you give each review your proper attention.