STOP Doing Bookkeeping – Outsource the Entire Job

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Bookkeeper-1016299_1920For too many business owners, having good accounting records is a problem year after year.  Failing to have good records results in business owners losing money!  They fail to collect their billings, pay too much to their vendors, and often overpay their taxes.  Add the time you spend on accounting that should be spent on increasing sales and profits, and the cost of not outsourcing your bookkeeping is huge.

I have worked with many business owners who outsource their bookkeeping, and here are some of their results.

  • Cut $5,400 to $24,000 per year in hard costs compared to having their own in-house staff.
  • No more end-of-year hassles with their income taxes.  Good records ensure that they won’t miss any legal deductions.
  • Link to their bank, credit card, and payroll accounts in real time, so they always know their exact balances.
  • As a byproduct, they also become a paperless office almost overnight.
  • No time wasted on bookkeeping!  They STOP doing the books and focus on sales and making more money.
  • They still retain 100 percent control of all money in and out.
  • No more hiring bookkeepers who claim to be QuickBooks experts.  From experience we all know that this is seldom true.  And the mistakes they make can cost you plenty!
  • They discover that profits and cash flow increase significantly when they start managing their business with accurate numbers and focus on their most profitable products and customers.
  • Their books are reviewed by an accountant every month so the records they are using to make business decisions are accurate. 

I’m a CPA, and I don’t do my own books!  My wife does all the accounting for our business.  My job is to get customers and make sure that we are delivering the product we promised, not being a bookkeeper.  So why haven’t you outsourced your bookkeeping?