Recommended Software or App: Audible

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Audible is an Amazon company that provides audiobooks for just about any portable phone or tablet.

I preach that successful business owners are lifetime learners who read at least one business book every month.  I used to read much more than this, but as my children and my business grew it became harder and harder to find time to read.

Enter Audible!  Now I can listen to a book while I walk the dog in the morning, wait in line to pick up a prescription, or do chores at home.  I usually listen to business books, but lately I have been listening to Terry Francona’s book about his years managing the Boston Red Sox (my favorite sports team).

The membership costs $14.95 per month and includes one audiobook.  It might seem costly but I usually get one good business-building idea from each book that more than offsets the cost.  I even got an idea on how to manage difficult employees while listening to Terry Francona’s ordeals trying to manage Manny Ramirez!