Not All Tax Returns Are the Same

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1040Every tax season I’m asked, “Why didn’t I get more money?  My friend got all this money back.” Well, not
all tax returns are the same.  Tax
returns are like people—they’re unique.

While we prepare your tax return based on the information
you have provided and apply all the deductions and credits you’re eligible for,
your friend may have a totally different tax situation.  They could have paid more taxes in, had more
dependents, been eligible for more credits, and so on.

We do our best to ensure all of our clients pay the least amount
of tax legally allowed.  We triple check
every return and review it with you to make sure we are submitting an accurate
tax return to the IRS.

We hope you were satisfied with our services this tax year.  If you haven’t seen us yet, please call our
office at 915-857-8158 to make sure you’re on the extension list.