Marketing Tip of the Week – Repetition, Repetition, Repetition… Oh and did I Mention Repetition?

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Sale-sale-sale Next time you’re watching T.V. or listening to the radio, pay attention to the commercials and you’ll notice that the commercials repeat certain information at least three times. You may even notice that a company will play their commercial several times during certain programs.  Repetition is a must when it comes to marketing and advertising.


Any good advertising campaign or marketing plan must have a strategy to hit their target customer several times in order to create awareness and resonance. You can’t possibly expect your customer to remember your one advertisement amongst the thousands they are bombarded with everyday. You have to keep reminding them that they need your product or service. Sending your target market consistent messages will increase your chances of gaining new business. 


It would be great if we all could remember everything we’ve come in contact with, but unfortunately, most of us can’t. So, as business owners, you have to tell prospective customers about your product and services as many times as possible in hopes that they will remember your business when they need it.