Manage Your Customer’s Experience B-D-A and Watch Profits Soar

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James_malinchakI recently listened to an interview with James Malinchak about his appearance and experience on the ABC hit show Secret Millionaire.  During the interview he discussed how he leveraged this opportunity to promote both the show and his own business.  He did such a good job of it that his episode was the highest viewed of the series and the most watched in his time slot that weekend.

His secret was a simple process he called B-D-A:  Planning the customer experience (in his case both the studio and the viewer) Before, During and After the show aired.

Think about how much your sales could increase if you actually planned your customer’s experience with your business by asking these three simple questions:

  1. What should you do before your customer walks into your business?
  2. What should you do during your customer’s visit to your business?
  3. What do you do for the customer after the customer leaves?

The key to long-term profits is to think about this in advance and to concentrate on what is best for the customer.  As Zig Ziglar often said, “You can get anything you want out of life if you help enough people get what they want.”  

The key question to ask then:  What is the one thing that the customer wants when dealing with my business and how can I give it to them?

Until next time, thank you for your continued support and let’s make 2017 our most profitable year ever!