Hitting the Jackpot!

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Hitting the jackpot picI went to Las Vegas years ago and I must admit, that place is a marketer’s dream! Everywhere you go, they’re trying to sell you something. People are willing to buy anything, whether it’s a condo, $20 cocktails, or extremely overpriced souvenirs.

If you think this is an accident, you are wrong! There is a lot of marketing research that goes into everything that is being sold. The hotels and casinos are masters of tourism marketing and have everything planned out to a T.

Everything we have mentioned in this marketing blog, they do:

  • Constant marketing:  quarterly room sales and emails
  • Frequent buyer club:  players’ club
  • Free samples:  free cocktail
  • Wow factor:  elaborate shows and rooms
  • Excellent customer services:  concierge services

They do this because in the long run, it makes them money, and if you have been to the strip, you know the hotels and casinos know how to make money!

Vegas is ideal because the consumer is willing to spend the money at that time, but as you can see, the marketing never stops! You need to court your customer at all times. Las Vegas knows the importance of marketing, and that is why it’s the vacation capital of the WORLD!

Hit your jackpot with a strategic long-term marketing plan. It can be a gamble, but you can’t win big without taking chances.