Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week – Why Should I Market?

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Marketing- While I was thinking of this week’s topic and reviewing past blogs, it came to me; I never told you why you need to market! “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large,”as defined by the American Marketing Association. This actually sound more complicated than what it actually is. Marketing is developing and creating communication between you and your audience, choosing how to communicate with them and offering them something they may want.


As business people, you must understand that communication is the key to obtaining a successful business. Marketing is the process of selling, from start to finish. Figuring out what to sell, who to sell it to, how to get them to buy, how to take care of your customers, why should they buy from you, how to create a repeat sale, and the list goes on and on, it’s a never ending job.


Many new business owners are shocked on how expensive running a business is and tend to cut marketing when they hit a rough patch financially. Think about this, you’re sales are down, so you’re going to stop telling people about your products and services and hope sales go up? That doesn’t make sense. You will never hear a successful business that did not spend time and money on marketing.


Commit to a marketing plan and make adjustments as needed. Owning and running a business is tough; work hard and you will succeed.