Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week- The Theatre of Selling

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WaynetheaterSelling can be similar to acting if you think about it.  You might have a script, directions on how to act, and may have to use improvisation on occasion. Role playing with your sales staff is a wonderful way to prepare them for the real world.

This gives you the ability to put your salespeople in different sales scenarios and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Sales techniques can be explored and taught during this time as well. This will also give you the chance to inform them on how you would like them to conduct themselves while they represent your company. This will give you first hand insight into your sales department.

Sales role playing can be a great learning experience all around; so, take it seriously and create your sales scenarios for your next sales meeting!

If you would like help with your sales meeting, please call Wayne at 915-857-8158, to schedule a meeting.