Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week- Never Underestimate the Value of Personal Sales

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Sales-person-200x300 Not every business has a physical product to sell; there are thousands of service businesses in the United States. These businesses rely on their good name and performance for their survival. Unless they have been in business for years and have a strong referral source most services businesses must work hard on getting their business in the market.

Personal selling is one the best ways to get your business in the door with a prospective client. Going that extra step to meet and introduce yourself to this client can really make an impression. It shows that you are available to work on their account, you can demonstrate your knowledge and experience firsthand, and the extra mile you’re willing to go.

Yes, personal selling does have its draw backs.  It can very time consuming and expensive if you plan on hiring salespeople to assist you. But this method of selling works best in the service industry and tends to have better results.