Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week – Just Because You Are Out of School, Doesn’t Mean You Don’t have Homework!

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Homework1 Homework, you think, “I’m out of school and I am done.” Think again! A good salesperson will not just research their products, they will research their prospects.

Think of how impressed a potential customer will be when you show them that you have shown an interest in their company and have some insight on how you can help them. When scouting for new customers, a major hurdle that salespeople have to address is how to stand out of the crowd. If you can be that one salesperson that knew what their company was about and demonstrated an understanding of their needs, you’re way ahead of the competition.

A first time sales call is very much like a first interview and it’s always a good idea to do some homework before hand to show your commitment and interest in the company.

So don’t cut corners do some research and make the best first impression you can on all your sales meeting.