Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week- It’s All about a Good List

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Customer_list_report As mentioned before, keeping in touch with current customers is always a must when generating repeat sales. Collecting customer’s contact information is essential!

If you’re a distributor, in retail or service industry you have customers and when you interact with them that is the perfect opportunity to get their contact information.  Even if you just ask for their email you have some way of communicating with them.

A list is important because you can then email letters, mail coupons, conduct surveys, send newsletters, etc. These types of promotions and interaction with customers keep you’re services in their minds and help create your next sale with them.

Creating a list is fairly easy. You can get this information from your billing information, have customer fill out a fast information sheet when checking out, you can even follow up on a sale and gather their information then.

The important thing is to create this list and to use it!