Marketing & Selling Tip of the Week- Bulletin Board Advertising = Free Advertising

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Community Many people forget that just getting you name out there can be considered advertising. Almost every coffee shop, local restaurant and community center has a bulletin board to announce local businesses and events. This is a great and FREE way to expose your business to people who might not have seen your current advertising and did I mention it’s FREE!!!!

Normally you just need to get permission to post your material on the bulletin board. The minor inconvenience is nothing compared to the amount of exposure you can gain. By doing this you also give people a perception that your business is involved in the community and that you are very actively involved in your business.   

You may want to create a small flyer announcing your products and services and create small tear off paper with your website address, contact information or a coupon so interested customers can keep your info without taking the flyer down and preventing others from seeing your flyer.

Go out on the hunt for vacant bulletin boards in your community and put your name on it!!