Marketing & Sales Tip – Open Up Your Doors!

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Office-party1 It is always a good PR (Public Relations) move to host an event where customers and vendors can see your appreciation. With the warmer weather approaching, it is the perfect time to hold an event and invite customers, potential customers, leads, vendors, employees and anyone you feel should attend.

You are creating an event to network your business, while projecting a charitable image. Whether it is cocktails and hors d'oeuvre at your place of business or full a three course meal in a banquet hall, this event can:

  • Give you feedback from current customers
  • Remind customers of your services
  • Meet new clients and educate them about your business
  • Have potential clients talk to satisfied customers
  • Have your staff meet new and existing customers
  • Improve communication with vendors

And the list can go on. Another benefit of the event is it is completely tax deductible! You get to throw a party for the people who make your business possible and are not taxed on it, how great is that!