Make It Easy For New Customers to Buy

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Hand-851208_1920We are all creatures of habit.  Once we start buying from someone, we resist changing to someone else.  This is a big problem in my business because clients just hate having to find a new CPA.  Several have told me that even though they were not really happy with their old CPA, they just felt it was too big of a hassle to switch.  They cringed at the idea of spending the time to find a new CPA, bring the new CPA up to speed, and then hope that things with them are better. 

I have learned that I have to concentrate on making it easy for prospects to switch.  Here is how I do it. 

  1. Consistently communicate and prove the advantage of working with us.  Most clients can’t tell the difference between working with one CPA or another.  Most do tax returns, bookkeeping, and financial statements.  So what would make the prospect switch?  We have positioned ourselves as the firm you choose if, in addition to what all CPAs offer, you want help reducing your taxes as well as sales and profit coaching.  We prove this by the content of the articles in our blog, publishing our own digital magazine and Kindle books, and offering free webinars.
  2. Don’t change too many things in the client’s routine.  When I am doing QuickBooks training or setting up an outsourced accounting client, I have found that things go much more smoothly if I only make them change what is essential.  I spend extra time explaining why it is best for them to change those items.
  3. Don’t make more work for the client.  Our job is to make it easier for them to change—not harder.  We work hard to let them concentrate on making money and let us worry about their tax and accounting problems.  That is really what the client wants.
  4. Re-sell the benefits at each contact with the client.  When we do a tax return, we document exactly what we did that saved them money.  When we do tax planning, we send them a before-and-after analysis so that they know how much working with us cut their tax bill.
  5. Let the customer try us out.  This is especially true of our monthly coaching products, where we offer the first month for free or at a reduced price.  The free initial consultation is a way for the prospect to meet us and pick our brain a little.  But don’t give away the store!  Let them have a taste of your products and services and show them that you are just the expert to help them. 

Do you have a plan to make it easier for your prospects?  Why not?  The easier you make it for them to try out your products or services, the more likely it is that they will become customers.