MYTH VS TRUTH: It’s the Business Owner’s Job to Keep the Trains Running.

Home » Blog » MYTH VS TRUTH: It’s the Business Owner’s Job to Keep the Trains Running.

ConductorThe myth most business owners believe: I must be the one to make sure the trains keep running.

Why this myth causes a problem: In order to get more customers, it is my responsibility to make sure that my product/service is delivered correctly and on time.

The truth successful business owners learn the hard way! As a business grows, sooner or later the time needed to run a business consumes all the time that should be spent developing long-term strategies and designing new products or services.

If you’re not looking for new ways to develop solutions to your customers’ problems and pains, you are allowing an opening for your competitors to solve these problems for them.

Also, as Seth Godin said in one of his past blog articles, “Yes, without trains running, it’s hard to get anywhere. But no, that’s not what the shareholders are hoping you’ll be doing every day.” (I highly recommend that you read his blog daily

Lesson learned: As a business owner, you must not get so stuck in the details of running the business that you no longer have the time do the vital work of delivering solutions to your customers for their problems.