Lessons Business Owners Keep Learning the Hard Way! Just Because You Can Sell It, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

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Supporthelp The myth most business owners believe: I should sell my product or service to whoever wants to buy it.

Why this myth causes a problem: If a customer purchases your product or service and it doesn’t really meet their need, they become disillusioned. Worse yet, they start telling everyone they know that you sold them something that did not solve their problem. And with more people using social media, this can easily be hundreds of people.

The truth successful business owners learn the hard way! Providing customers with solutions to their problems is the best way to get satisfied customers and referrals.

My prospects come to me with a problem. For example, they need bookkeeping. Yes, I can easily sell them on the idea of letting us do it. I make more money doing that. But they expect that, as a CPA, I will give them the advice that fits them best. And many times, this means buying QuickBooks and doing it themselves at a cheaper cost.

This is true even if you sell a product. You have a large variety of product types that have different features with different advantages and benefits for the customer. But even if you don’t carry a product that best solves the customer’s problem, the smart business owner knows it is better to refer them to a competitor for a product that truly meets the customer needs than it is to sell them something that you have just to make the sale.

This customer will remember that you cared more about helping them than making the sale. Who do you think they will choose the next time they or a friend needs a service or product that you do provide? Who will they refer their friends to?

Lesson learned: Selling your customer a product or service is not as important as solving the customer’s problem.