Last Chance to Register!!

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We will be hosting our first FREE Live Tax Slashing webinar TODAY at 2 PM MST!

Just click HERE to register!

It will cover how to slash your taxes by 30 to 50% and why your tax preparer isn’t helping you reduce your tax liability.  The main items covered are:

  • Why your tax preparer is not helping you cut your taxes now.
  • The 3 steps to slash your 2013 taxes!
  • The 6 easy steps that every business owner must take in order to slash their taxes by 30 to 50% every year!
  • The 5 new major ObamaCare Taxes for 2013 and how to minimize their bite.
  • Business tax breaks in the 2012 Taxpayer Relief Act passed in January 2013.
  • Individual tax breaks in the 2012 Taxpayer Relief Act passed in January 2013.
  • 18 commonly overlooked tax deductions that result in thousands of dollars in overpaid taxes every year.
  • Why every business owner, professional, and property owner should take tax planning seriously, and how Wayne Belisle, CPA has used these steps to save his clients thousands of dollars in taxes every year!

Hope to see you there!