Jump-Start Profit Tip of The Week: Why Do We Focus on Sales & Marketing So Much?

Home » Blog » Jump-Start Profit Tip of The Week: Why Do We Focus on Sales & Marketing So Much?

Business-increase-profits1 I was asked recently, “Your blog says you provide ideas for business owners to increase their profits. Why do you have a weekly article on sales & marketing?”

The answer to this question is twofold. First, we have a marketing person on our staff who writes those articles. (Shameless plug time: Call Jacqueline if you need help with your marketing.) But, second, and more importantly, increasing sales is the fastest way to improve your bottom line.

If you concentrated on reducing costs you might be able to increase profits by 10-20% without seriously reducing your internal efficiency and customer service.

But, by concentrating on sales and marketing you can easily and quickly double or triple your profits .

This is the start of a weekly blog that concentrates on increasing your businesses bottom line. Drop a line and let me know what you think or what subjects you think I should cover.

Thank you for your continued support and let's make this year our most profitable year ever!