Is Your Strategy Getting the Results You Want?

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496_5877316Strategy shouldn’t be an abstraction to your workforce—it should tell everyone what to do and how to do it. Is your strategy up to the test? Look for gaps in these areas:

  • Employees. Does your strategy tell your workforce which opportunities to pursue and what threats they should pay attention to?
  • Managers. Do you and your fellow managers know what to keep track of? You should be on top of all key measures of your progress toward your strategic goals.
  • Vision. Does the strategy excite people? Your workforce should see why you’re pursuing particular goals—and why they’re important—instead of just knowing what the objectives are.
  • Common goals. Can everyone in your organization easily monitor your progress? Metrics should be easy to understand and readily accessible throughout your organization.
  • Ideas. Do people offer suggestions for achieving your goals? Create a culture that encourages sharing insights and asking questions. Good ideas and questions will tell you how thoroughly people are embracing your goals and strategy.