How Will 2015 Be Better Than 2014?

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Results don’t come from wishes, hopes, and resolutions.  That is why 90% of New Year’s resolutions are dropped before the end of January.  Every gym owner can tell you that most of their new members will be gone by February.

This is true in business, too.

What are you going to do TODAY if you are not happy with where your business is?

Which leads to the number one problem facing business owners who are trying to create their dream business—Lack of a plan!

Dream businesses are also not built with wishes, hopes, and resolutions.  Just like losing weight and getting back into shape, creating your dream business requires more.

Success comes from being committed to change, setting a goal, and coming up with a plan to reach that goal.

But even that isn’t enough!  Success in reaching your goal almost always requires that you have a guide and a mentor who has experience reaching the same goals.

I was committed to losing weight and getting back into shape but failed until I purchased a monthly plan from Weight Watchers.  Now results haven’t been as fast as I would like, but for the first time, I am seeing results!

I have been committed to creating online coaching products, but struggled to finish them until I hired a coach who has helped hundreds of businesses launch their products.

Which finally leads to my point! (Pause while I wait for the cheering to stop…)

I can’t help you with the commitment.  But I can help you flesh out your goals, create a plan for reaching them, and provide you with the framework for executing your plan.

Stay tuned for more information about 2015 Jumpstart Your Business, guaranteed to double or triple your profits while giving you back control of your business.