Good Ideas + Action = MASSIVE PROFITS

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Announcing the launch of Innovative Small Business Digital Magazine

Isb mag buttonI’m back from my small hiatus from this blog.  I took it easy for a few days so I could spend family time with my son who joined the Army yesterday.  He is on his way to basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.  I want to thank those of you who have offered us your best wishes and prayers for him.

The second reason for my hiatus was we were completing our initial iPad digital magazine called Innovative Small Business Digital Magazine that will be hit the iPad newsstand in August as soon as we get Apple approval.

 So—why am I publishing a magazine?  Basically for the same reason I started this blog.

Since the late 70s, I have worked as a CPA helping small business owners with their taxes, accounting, and business operations.  During this time I have had the opportunity to learn from many successful business owners how to succeed in business.  But I have also had the opportunity to watch and learn as many others either failed entirely or seemed to continuously struggle to just stay alive.  Many times these business owners worked harder and made less than they would have working for someone else.

This led me to study how we, as CPAs, worked with our clients.  And I reached the conclusion that we too often failed them.  We don’t pass on all the knowledge we have acquired about how to operate a great business to the business owner when they need it!  As CPAs we too often act like the emergency room and wait until the business owner gets in trouble.  Then we step in and try to pick up the pieces.

The secret to business success can easily be summed up in this formula:

Good Ideas + Action = MASSIVE PROFITS

Innovative Small Business Digital Magazine is designed provide small business owners with both the vital information they need to improve their basic business knowledge and the step-by-step instructions and worksheets they can use to improve their business on a monthly basis.

My work with clients has shown that those that reach their goals do not do so in one big jump.  Rather, they accomplish them with small weekly improvements in their business.  In every issue we will include action steps designed to help the business owner make these improvements.  (See the very last article in every issue where we will provide a PDF recap of the homework along with guidance and advice on its implementation during the next month.)

The magazine, and the articles I chose to include, was designed with you, my business clients, in mind.  So I would love to hear from you what issues you are having and what you would like to see in future issues.  If you are doing something innovative in your field, let me know so I can feature you as one of our Small Business Success Stories. 

Until next month, thank you for your continued support and let’s make this year our most profitable year ever!