FREE, FREE, FREE… Marketing that is!

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Facebook-keyboard-4 With everyone counting their pennies right now, small business owners are looking for new inexpensive, or even better, free ways to reach their customers. Over the last couple of years, social networks have been a great way to do so and, get this, it’s FREE!!!

You may have heard of sites like MySpace, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter and wonder what the heck they are.  These are social websites where individuals (your customers) actively look and socialize with individuals, groups and companies. Businesses have been successful in getting their customers to show an active interest in their services and products. Some businesses also use these sites to inform their customers of updates, new product, sales, etc. You’re able to let them know everything you want them to know about your business in a matter of seconds and it is delivered directly to them. Plus, when customers show an interest in your product, their friends also see. This is great way to get referral business.

Another advantage to social networks is that just go online and type, you can easily manage your page. Most social networks make their services extremely user friendly and, if you still need some help, call us at 915-857-8158 and we’ll be more than happy to assist.

Don’t be left behind! Why pass up a free opportunity to create awareness for your business?

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