Do Your Customers Remember You?

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Memory-1010902_1920A few years back I needed to get a plumber for some minor work around the house. My experience with plumbers during a couple of home remodels had not been very good.  We had a ridiculous time getting someone who would show up when they promised, finish on time, and stay anywhere near a quote.  So I put off getting a plumber until I just couldn’t wait any longer.

I received a referral from a friend and called with very little hope that this time would be any different.  Surprise, surprise!  They arrived on time, fixed my problem quickly, and didn’t charge an arm and a leg.  I was so pleased I referred them to couple of friends and clients.  Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Fast forward a few months to a rare freeze in El Paso.  Thankfully, we were not flooded out by busted pipes, but I had clients who were not as lucky.  A few asked me if I knew a good plumber.  Darned if I could remember the name of that plumber!  He had done a good job and had earned the referral—but his name was gone!

Now my daughter and niece would be quick to call this early Alzheimer’s (thanks, girls!).  But the truth is that this happens to your customers, too!  You work hard to please your customers and outperform your competitors.  Are you really getting the referrals you deserve?

The key point to take away from this story is this:  It is not your customer’s job to remember you.  It is your job to remind them of you and your business!

What are you doing to earn “top-of-mind” presence with your customers?  What could you be doing?