Best Business Book

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The Fastest Way to
Higher Profits by Jim Palmer


book will help you generate higher profits in your business—fast!  In it he covers 19 proven insider marketing
and business tips that will take your business to higher levels of success and
profitability, even in a recession.


of the key points he covers include:

  • A great
    strategy for raising your prices and charging what you are worth
  • How having a
    super strong guarantee increases confidence in your products, boosting sales and
  • Why you need
    a coach and how it helps increase your profits
  • Why
    newsletters are one of the best client retention tools available
  • How using
    freelancers allows you to rapidly increase sales and profits
  • And many
    more excellent ideas!


Be sure to check out our interview with him back in our September
2012 issue.  It is definitely one of the
best interviews we have ever had in our magazine.  The amount of information he gave us is just
amazing.  Be sure to listen and
definitely buy his book.