Best Business Blogs

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Time manage



Keeping with this month’s theme of managing the
owner and time management, I chose my favorite time management blog.


The tagline for this blog, Helping you win the battle against wasted time, disorganization, and
all other things evil
, is a good description of what this blog covers and
the tone it takes.  It offers many tips
to help you organized and productive. 
For me, it acts as a reminder to work on what is really important,
rather than just putting out fires.


Here are some of their recent blog topics:


  • 5 Secrets of Keeping Your Daily Life in
  • Getting More Done by Checking Your Email
    Only Twice a Day
  • 6 Ways to Empty Your Head and Get to Bed
  • 10 Tasks That Should Be on Your To-Do
    List Today
  • Why Preparation Is Better Than Planning
  • 8 Ways to Get Out of the Office Door on


Be sure to visit the site at least once a week
to improve your productivity and profits.