Ask Us Questions or Leave Feedback Anytime on Our Facebook Page!

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Facebook feedback One of the problems with growing your business is that it becomes harder and harder to keep that personal touch.

This is a problem that I have been worried about for the last five years. The personal touch is what helped me grow my business. It is a large reason we are celebrating our 20th year in business. But now it is possible for a client to drop off their return and pick it up when it's completed without me ever seeing them.

Also, it is now impossible for me to answer all my phone calls personally. Some I have to have my staff return for me. During deadline crunches, I receive so many calls that it is impossible to return them as timely as I used to.

I had finally decided that this was just the price of getting bigger. Not an answer that I liked.

But then social media hit the scene! Now I see an answer to this problem for me and all growing businesses.

Below I have included the link for my Facebook page (or just search for Wayne J. Belisle, CPA on Facebook). I will be letting all my clients (and potential clients) know how they can go to this page and:

  • Ask me any business or tax question. This is an excellent way to ask a general question without worrying about being charged for my time.
  • Let us know when we do things right. Everyone loves a compliment.
  • Let us know when we do things wrong. This is very important to us–keeping our quality of service where we want it.
  • Recommend blog articles. I write what I think will interest my clients or what I think they need to know. But this is a good way to let me know about an area that you think I should be covering. 

The next step is to let my clients and potential clients know about this program. We will have “Ask us questions or leave feedback anytime on our Facebook page!” posted on all our contacts with clients. This means having it as part of my signature on all emails, on our letterhead, on our business cards, and posted in the waiting room of our office.

Do you have the same problem keeping in contact with your clients? Maybe it’s time for you to have a business Facebook page and let your customers/clients talk to you.

Well, let’s get started: Ask us questions or leave feedback anytime on our Facebook page!