Marketing Tip of the Week – You can’t turn a Pinto into a Lexus! So, why try to turn your employees into something they’re not?

Home » Blog » Marketing Tip of the Week – You can’t turn a Pinto into a Lexus! So, why try to turn your employees into something they’re not?


This weekly blog isn’t just about marketing but about how to better manage your staff. Many times I see business owners struggle with training their staff and not understand why one person can do so well at one thing while others struggle. Simple answer, everyone is different! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

While many business owners force their employees to become a jack of all trades, they forget some people just can’t do certain things. It doesn’t make them a bad employee, it’s just their weakness. They may excel at something else.

You may want to treat everyone as equals but not everyone is equal in certain areas. If a customer approaches your business and is considering a large purchase, you will naturally assign your best employees to make sure the customer is satisfied. There is nothing wrong with that, it is your natural reaction. It just proves my point, some people are just better at certain tasks than others. Allow your employees to expand in areas they have strengths in, and I bet you’ll be amazed.

I’m not suggesting you fire all employees that are weak in certain areas, but reconsider the way you train or assign them. You might find out that a salesperson does a much better job as a manager or that a cashier is a natural salesperson.

Evaluate your staff and see how you can take advantage of their natural strengths and minimize the effect of their weaknesses. You’ll definitely see an increase in your profits!!

If you are interested in learning more about how to enhance your staff’s strengths, I recommend reading Strength-Finders 2.0. This book goes into in-depth detail of how to identify strengths and how to utilize them.