The 8 Secrets to Increasing Profits Now! Lesson 4 – Creating Bundles & Widgets!

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Bundles aren’t just for car washes!Bundles and widgets will help bring me profits? Sounds odd doesn’t it. But hear me out. All the big guys do it – phone companies, cable companies, electronic stores. They sell services TOGETHER in a bundle. Win win – consumer feels like they save – business gets a big sale.

Create Bundles and Widgets.  Bundling is a great way to increase sales to current customers by combining your products or services in a way that solves a majority of your customers’ problems.  The goal is to be a one-stop shop that allows them to get everything they need from you.

First, look at current products you could naturally bundle.  Common examples are:

  • Car washes that sell multi-wash or family passes at a lower price.
  • Furniture stores that sell cleaning products, pillows, and linens.
  • Electronics stores that offer warranties with everything.
  • Fast food restaurants and their combo deals.
  • Our CPA firm that offers business owners many services combined at a discount.

You may need to think outside the box, the norm. You might surprise yourself what your customers would find handy to have as bundle, and you may be surprised as to what extra sales and profits come your way!