The 8 Secrets to Increasing Profits Now! Lesson 3 – Market Your Cash Cows!

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Cash cowNow that we have a better understanding of increasing gross profits, you need to know how to market your profit makers.  It's one thing to sell something people want or need, but it's another to understand what is truly bringing in the money, and market it for maximum response.

Market Your Cash Cows.  Before you can do this, you must know exactly what it costs you to market, produce, and deliver your products to your customers.  So roll up your sleeves, dig out the data, and calculate exactly what your profit margins are on each of your major products.  Hire a good CPA to help you the first time if you don’t know how.  But do the work.

Calculating your margins is one of the most important things a business owner can do.  Doing so gives you the information you need to focus on marketing and selling the most profitable products.

Giving your customers what they want and/or need AND making a profit from it isn't a bad thing, right?